Tuesday, September 30, 2008

10 Years Later and Look at Us Now...

I was talking to my mom today about how crazy it is that my 10 year high school reunion is this weekend - thanks to Angela and Sharla... big shout out to you!!! I am disappointed beyond belief that I won't be able to attend but I still enjoyed taking a moment to reflect on our class. It's so exciting to think of all we've accomplished: many have finished different degrees, many have held the same job for many years, many have bought houses, many have traveled, many have gotten married (two even married each other ;) many have had children, and the list goes on and on.

All of these things are such wonderful accomplishments but my favorite is that we have all remained in touch. All the people I looked forward to seeing everyday in high school I still know what they are doing. Some I talk to a lot more than others and some I only keep up with through face book and blogs but I still think about you and send you well wishes all the time and I think we are all the better for it. It makes me really sad to think that some people don't have any friends from high school. I just think how much our lives would lack if we weren't connected to people who knew how awkward we were and the crazy things we thought about and did during adolescence and loved us anyways.

My high school friends are some of my dearest friends in this world and I am just so grateful for that! Something for us all to think about 10 years later :)


Anonymous said...

We weren't awkward, were we? Swimming in baby pools when you're fifteen is perfectly normal...

Angela said...

I miss all of you so much. I really enjoyed speaking to your Mom the other day. We will surely miss you this weekend.

Fun Times with Ruthie & Annie said...

I will miss ya'll! And Summer.... it's absolutely, perfectly normal as is breakdancing on cardboard for fun.

thetalbotts said...

Awww, you mentioned us! I am sad you won't be able to be there this weekend. I wish everyone could come. We'll take lots of picture for you. Take care of that sweet baby girl.